615-441-4188 | AFTER HOURS EMERGENCY: 615-441-9511
101 Cowan Rd, Dickson, TN 37055 • Office Hours: Monday - Friday 7:30 am to 4:30 pm

Employment Opportunities

Job Fair

Water Authority of Dickson County hosts a job fair at its 101 Cowan Road facility on occasion to meet candidates interested in potential employment opportunities with the utility. When the next job fair is scheduled the information will be published in local newspapers and posted here as well.

Employment Opportunities

Thank you for your interest in employment opportunities at WADC.

The Water Authority of Dickson County is currently seeking applicants for a position in our Customer Service Department as an entry-level teller.

Applications can be downloaded by clicking on the “Download Application” button below.

Applications and Resumes (in pdf format) can also be submitted online by using the “Upload Your Application” form below.

Alternately, Applications and Resumes can be delivered in person at 101 Cowan Road, Dickson, TN 37055 or emailed to rbowker@wadc.us.

Upload Your Application

Use the form below to upload your application after you have filled out the PDF (downloaded from above).