Educational Resources

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The links on this page to entities and organizations other than Water Authority of Dickson County (the “Authority”) are provided solely as a convenience to the Authority’s customers. The Authority has not participated in the preparation of any statement set forth on or content contained in the Internet sites/pages to which the links refer (irrespective of whether such statement or content is contained on such site/page with or without the consent or knowledge of the owner/operator thereof). The Authority assumes no responsibility to any person under any theory for the correctness of any such statement or content and makes no warranty or representation, express or implied, with respect to any such statement or content or with respect to any anticipated or actual consequence of any person’s relying in any manner upon any such content or statement set forth therein. While the Authority has no actual knowledge that any site or page to which links are herein provided contains any virus, trojan, “malware,” or other computer software or code which could transfer to the user’s computer by reason of having communicated with such site/page, persons following the Internet links on this page to sites/pages of third parties are reminded that computer security is the responsibility of themselves as the user, and accordingly persons accessing the sites/pages to which linked do so at their own risk.